Soak the fibrous casing in room temp water for 30 minutes
Toss the beef with all of the seasonings and chill in a freezer for 30 minutes.
Set up your grinder with a 5mm plate.
Grind the meat mixture.
Place the meat in a bowl; add the wine (Dr Pepper).
Mix the meat thoroughly until the meat is very tacky and sticks to your hands.
Stuff the mixture into the protein-lined fibrous casings. (Here is a source for the casings:
Let the Salamis rest in the fridge overnight or for 12 hours at least. This lets the casing and meat bind together.
Place the salamis in a smoker and smoke using the step method. 110-120 degrees for for 1.5 hours with the baffles fully open. (This is to dry the casings.)
Increase temperature to 125 degrees and start to add smoke to the chamber. I recommend hickory. Increase temperature to 135 for another hour.
Increase temperature to 155 for 1.5 hours.
Increase temperature to 175 until the internal temperature of the sausage is 160°F.
Remove the sausage from the smoker and chill down in iced water for 30 minutes.
Let rest in the fridge for 24 hours before sampling. (That is the hard step.)
Salamis are now ready to eat. (For those that prefer a dryer salami, you can hang the salami at room temperature until desired dryness.)